Tuesday, September 01, 2009

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: That Damn 50/50

So @ThroatChopU was on Twitter and he threw up a statistic – “50% of marriages end in divorce.” YIKES!!!! Is it just me or is that disturbing? Or should it be expected in this day and age?

Marriage used to be a traditional ritual that people took seriously. People actually married for “Love and Happiness” *Al Green voice*. Most ceremonies took place in a church before God and the vows were sacred and held meaning. Nowadays, you can get married almost anywhere. People get married for all the wrong reasons, which support the 50/50 rule. People get married for wealth, citizenship, health insurance, pregnancy … I mean no wonder the divorce rate is so high. And we’re in a recession so the divorce rate could be higher. People are choosing to stay together because they can’t afford to separate from their spouse. They would rather stay together to avoid having to pay for a divorce, lose their house or fortune (if there is one). How sad is that?

Look at Nas and Kelis. Kelis done lost her mind asking Nas for all that money. I know he is kicking himself everyday reciting “It’s cheaper to keep her”… He should have listened to Kanye when he said “We want Pre-nups! We want Pre-nups! Yeaaaahhhhh!”

I think the roles of husband and wife needs to be revisited before anyone gets married to anybody. I think a lot of the problem lies with people not knowing their roles. People don’t realize that communication, respect, fairness and honesty are important components. The smallest situations could violate those major things and cause all kinds of unnecessary problems. It is not about one person anymore. It is about you and your partner. And if you can’t think in those terms, then you aren’t ready for this kind of commitment. You might as well pack yo’ –ish.

Marriage is not about the ceremony, reception and the dress. It is about the relationship and the love that the two people involved share. Like everything else, marriage has become a commercial event. There are countless wedding reality shows that show just how shallow some relationships really are. Take “Bridezillas” for instance. Some of those chicks need to be throat-chopped into reality. Looking at some of them, they should be grateful that someone even wants to take the time. I have yet to see a woman on that show that is just in love with her husband, doesn’t treat him like crap and is just happy to be preparing to spend her life with the guy.

At the end of the day, if you plan on getting married, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. This shouldn’t be something you do once a year. If it is done correctly, then you won’t need a do-over.

Follow the madness: twitter.com/thaladyblogga

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1 comment:

  1. Hi. I came across your blog by clicking "next blog" on top of the screen, and I just started reading. I think you're right about marriage, it scares me how many people get divorced, is it still worth it getting married or have people changed so much that a relationship is something for a short period?
    Will people be able to be happy and find love through marriage, or is happiness something that must be found in different people every few months?

    Bye, Lots.
